Luke Jensen

Luke Jensen was born on Bainbridge Island, Washington, a small community with a ferry link to Seattle. In high school he spearheaded the formation of a new history club, served as vice president of the student body and honors society, took part in math and trivia clubs, and ran cross country. He is currently studying aeronautical engineering as a student at the University of Washington in the undergraduate Honors program. 

Luke took part in the National History Day competition for seven years, generally focusing his studies on aviation-themed topics. Although flight is often seen as a technically complex subject with a specialized audience, he aimed to establish the topic’s implications on fields as far-ranging as labor relations, patent law, international dynamics, and empire development. In an effort to explore new subject matter, his final documentary examines the United States Exploring Expedition of 1838 and its economic influence and cultural impact on the Pacific Northwest. This film has been showcased at the Washington States Historical Society as well as at several local museums and film festivals.

As an instrument-rated private pilot, Luke has focused his community involvement on areas where this specialization is most relevant. He has volunteered for over five years at the Port Townsend Aero Museum. Prior to his university studies, he served as Manager of Flight Operations for the museum’s fleet of eleven airworthy aircraft and the full roster of pilots. This involved revising and augmenting standard procedures, ensuring that a comprehensive maintenance plan was followed, and verifying compliance with exhaustive federal regulations. Jensen is currently helping to create new exhibits and complete construction work for a new museum annex set to open in the summer of 2008.